At Verlasso, we have always lived by the inspired wisdom of Simon Sinek, the author of Start with Why. Before the very first Verlasso Salmon was ever placed in the waters of Patagonia, we hung this quote in our office: “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.”

At Verlasso, our mission has always been to have a positive impact on the world. We believe that it is essential that we all take deliberate actions not only on Earth Day, but everyday, to improve and protect our planet.

Here are five key actions that we stand by – we hope you’ll join us in protecting our beautiful planet, along with enjoying this delicious, ocean-friendly salmon recipe for Earth Day!

  1. End Single-Use Plastic


Americans alone use 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour. It’s never been more critical for each and every one of us to understand that no effort to diminish the usage of plastic is too trivial. Keeping a reusable water bottle on hand and carrying snacks in a silicone bag are two simple ways to avoid plastic. At Verlasso, we work with all of our partners to reduce our dependency on single-use plastic and are especially inspired by Surfrider’s ocean-friendly restaurant program.

2. Support Local Water Clean-Up Efforts

We’re big advocates of local organizations that support sustainable fisheries, habitat maintenance, and beach cleanups. Choose in an organization in your area and get involved – check out Ocean Conservancy’s handy International Coastal Cleanup Map to find one near you.  

3. Spread the Word on Issues That Matter

Demystifying sustainable aquaculture and highlighting its many positive contributions to our food system is something we do every day. We encourage you to dare to take a stand and talk about that number one cause you’d like to see resolved in the world. Share your knowledge on social media, with your friends, your colleagues, and whoever else you meet. Let the world know what you stand for and why.


4. Consume with the Environment in Mind: Use Less

Chef Andrew Zimmern has inspired us with his Verlasso salmon dishes that utilize every part of the salmon, and we love seeing the zero waste movement grow! Simple things such as remembering to bring your own bags to the market or using your own jars to stock up at the bulk food bins can make all the difference.

5. Live with Purpose

We’re incredibly passionate about saving our oceans by creating balance between what we rear and what we harvest from this precious resource. When you live with purpose, you live consciously, and strive to serve humanity AND the planet with your own unique talents and abilities.

Try our Seared Verlasso Salmon Crusted with Indian Spiced Rub. Click here for the recipe!

Tell us – how do you celebrate Earth Day every day? Share with us by tagging @Verlasso on Facebook & Instagram and @VerlassoSalmon on Twitter!